'Grow Your Own Playground' Film

On Saturday 26th September at 11am we launched a new video from Grow Your Own Playground with Cassie Liversidge that documents the transformation of concrete playground to garden over three weeks.  A fantastic resource for other Schools hoping to do the same!

26 Sep 2020 11:0000:00

Credit: Cassie Liversidge at Grow Your Own Playground

Credit: Cassie Liversidge at Grow Your Own Playground

This video, launched during Urban Harvest Online, documents the Grow Your Own Playground team building a school woodland sensory garden at Portway Primary School.  As part of the Leading Learning Trust, Portway Primary School is an outstanding school in Plaistow, and Grow Your Own Playground have worked there to deliver curriculum linked gardening lessons since 2016. There are four separate gardens around the school growing a huge range of fruit, vegetables, herbs and trees which are used within lessons to give all pupils hands-on learning experiences. 

The new garden is an extension of a very successful sensory garden, built in 2016 which will become about four times as large. You will see the transformation from concrete playground to garden over the course of three weeks to hopefully inspire you to create gardens which will get pupils observing nature and enriching their experiences at school. 

Watch the video here

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The Green House
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0203 5596 777

Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

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