Growing For Change Sessions: Composting essentials and practical methods

In this training series inspired by Capital Growth's Growing For Change campaign, we will explore various composting methods and how they suit your growing space with Jack Narbed on Sunday 29 October from 11am-1.30pm at Glengall Wharf Garden.

29 Oct 2023 11:0013:30

64 Glengall Rd, London SE15 6NF

Homemade compost filling growing beds. Credit: Jack Narbed

Homemade compost filling growing beds. Credit: Jack Narbed

Its named ‘black gold’ for a reason; good quality compost is a vital for healthy plants and thriving soil. But how do we go from kitchen scraps and fallen leaves to dark, rich compost?


Composting isn’t as complicated as you may think and will take you into the fascinating world of bacteria, fungi and minibeasts; our composting allies.


Join us with Jack Narbed, resident compost expert at Glengall Wharf Garden inside Burgess Park, on Sunday 29 October from 11am-1.30pm when he will discuss:

  • The basics of composting – getting started
  • Different techniques of composting and choosing the method right for you
  • Composting and soil health – how does it help?
  • Composting at different scales
  • Harnessing energy – in a permaculture context
  • Troubleshooting and lessons learnt at Glengall Wharf Garden


Glengall Wharf Garden is a community-led education garden designed and maintained using permaculture ethics and principles. The community grows organic food for two local foodbanks, is home to 11 rescue hens, holds weekly open volunteering sessions and hosts a wide range of community events such as yoga, weaving workshops and skills-focussed sessions such as printing and carpentry.


Trainer bio

Jack Narbed is an educator, facilitator and community gardener. His life decisions have mainly been governed by the question “Which one allows me to be outdoors with people?”. You’ll find him teaching and facilitating at the Paper Garden, Surrey Quays, or at Glengall Wharf Garden where he facilitates and oversees the maintenance of the site with community volunteers. A self-taught composter, he overhauled Glengall Wharf Garden’s system, with an observational approach. There is no substitution for getting up-close-and-personal with your compost!


Growing For Change

Join our Growing For Change sessions this autumn. Capital Growth's, Growing For Change campaign supports London's urban food gardens in building community, climate and nature resilience. These sessions highlight the gardeners and growing spaces who do great work on key Growing For Change themes such as, biodiversity, soil health, efficient water use, gardening planning and protection. 

To find out more, download our handbook to support your urban growing space and join Capital Growth member spaces in making the Growing For Change Pledge.

Not a member of Capital Growth? Join the network for free in minutes and make the most of our member perks (including 50% off all our training tickets!)

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Your donation will help communities grow more food in gardens across London.

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Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

Capital Growth

Capital Growth is London's Food Growing Network, with over 2000 members. Whether you are growing at home, as part of an allotment, in a community group or school you can join for free to receive benefits such as discounts, advice and monthly enewsletters.

Capital Growth
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9DA

0203 5596 777

Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2025

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