Foraging and Herbal Walk and Talk

Join Rasheeqa Ahmad from Hedge Herbs to discover what's growing in your neighbourhood.

9 Jun 2021 17:3019:00

Credit: Tania Han

Credit: Tania Han

Join us for an online healing plant walk of the dreamy early summer time as the herbs are flowering and nectar is flowing. Herbalist Rasheeqa will wander a wild green space where she lives in east London, showing you the richness of our landscapes and wild edges. 

Rasheeqa will talk about practices and responsibilities of medicine foraging in the city, and share how to recognise habitats, lore and knowledge of medicinal plants that are abundant around us, and information about seasonal harvesting and remedy making for your home herbal kit. There will be a chance to share with each other your own practices and recipes through the session.

Trainer Bio:

Rasheeqa (Hedge Herbs) is a herbalist in her community in Walthamstow in north London. She has been practicing since 2012, offering treatment with herbal medicine and teaching about its many aspects, alongside a wider mix of work whose aim is connecting us as communities with the potential of this knowledge and craft as a way to develop healthier living systems and relationships. She is inspired by her early involvement with the Radical Herbalism Gathering in exploring how to make plant medicine accessible and restore balance to its practice in the contexts of systemic inequalities and oppressions that are part of our shared histories. 

She is part of the Community Apothecary in her locality, a CIC that brings community members together around a patchwork of medicinal herb gardens where they can learn about growing and making medicines together, exchanging knowledge and peer support and seeding the model in other neighbourhoods so that we create landscapes of healing everywhere! She is also involved with the Mobile Apothecary in Bethnal Green, a street medicine distribution project bringing solidarity herbal healthcare to people from rough sleeper and less well resourced communities there.


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Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

Capital Growth

Capital Growth is London's Food Growing Network, with over 2000 members. Whether you are growing at home, as part of an allotment, in a community group or school you can join for free to receive benefits such as discounts, advice and monthly enewsletters.

Capital Growth
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9DA

0203 5596 777

Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

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