It’s time to Bake Your Lawn!

Order the Real Bread Campaign’s grow-a-loaf guidebook.

Wheaty!. Copyright: Lara Durham

Wheaty!. Copyright: Lara Durham

Are you ready to help children take a handful of wheat and head off together on a seed to sandwich adventure by growing your own Real Bread? Yes? Great!

Get your copy
In time for spring wheat sowing (and planning ahead for winter wheat planting), Bake Your Lawn is available (UK only) exclusively from 

Published by food and farming charity Sustain on Monday 4 March 2024.

Grassroots guide

The Real Bread Campaign has written Bake Your Lawn to help teachers, (grand)parents, guardians and other youngster-wranglers to guide them in hands-on, soil-to-slice journeys. Starting with as little as fifteen grams of wheat seeds and a square metre of earth, children will discover for themselves how Real Bread starts in a field, not a factory. 

Also suitable for farmers, traditional millers and Real Bread bakers who do community outreach work, the book includes guidance on micro-scale sowing, growing, harvesting, threshing, winnowing and milling.

Along the way, children (and some of their attendant adults) will learn fascinating facts and have the chance to try simple experiments. At the end comes the best bit – enjoying delicious, nutritious Real Bread made using flour they produce. 

Rather than involving the sort of chemical cocktail with which many cereal crops get doused, or the arsenal of additives that lurk in ultra-processed industrial dough products, Bake Your Lawn shows how to do things au naturel*.

Behind the book

In common with the recipe book Slow Dough: Real Bread, and the microbakery handbook Knead to Know…more, Bake Your Lawn was written by Campaign coordinator Chris Young with invaluable input from many people in the Campaign’s network. The illustrations are by Lara Durham, a student at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London.

Chris said:

“Real Bread is an absolute gift of a topic to teachers. It can be used in pretty much every subject across the curriculum, from art and design to ancient and modern foreign languages; through maths and music; to personal, social and health education and science subjects. Maybe not PE, though. Unless you count all the digging, threshing and whatnot.”

@RealBreadCampaign #BakeYourLawn

* Without any additives or agrochemicals, rather than in the buff, you understand.

Find out more and order your copy

See also


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Capital Growth is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

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